Monday, December 31, 2012

Making it Merry & Recycled 2012

An old shoe box with white artist tape and a carefully selected magazine page torn to size. A "shoe in" for an easy wrap job without a bunch of paper or bows. Add your own inscription in metallic ink for the finish.

Just Like Mom's Lemon Cookies?

Arlene used to make these for her everyone, but her youngest son, perhaps loved them the most. He'd often receive a box of these from Mom on Christmas. When we cleaned out my in-laws cupboards and home, we were very lucky to find this recipe in a small, well worn, dotted with oil Pillsbury cookbook from 1969. The recipe had a "checkmark" penciled in next to it. We knew all too well what that meant. Here's to finding the needle in a haystack! And to my MIL for her many years of hard work, her joy in baking and for taking care of so many people at Christmas time. She made some of the best cookies I've ever eaten.

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