Friday, June 6, 2008

7 Random Things About Me

This one came from Inspirasana.

1. My first bike at 5 years. Used. Big banana seat. 
Fushia all-over.
2. I like getting older, wiser and more authentic.
3. I don't ever want to wear dress pants again.
4. I love red shoes. Always have.
5. Chocolate cake donuts from Wuollet are my 
favorite vegetable.
6. Dream job -- exhibits curator from home office.
7. Collector of antique earrings and jewelry.

OK, my turn to tag someone -- KT, you are officially tagged! Inspirasana, my fun is done.


@MuseKaren said...

Do you have a bike now that you ride or would want to ride with a friend who has a bike and many miles to ride?

No dress pants for me either!

SAS said...

I need to get my bike out ... and me on it. It's been years. Time to ride with my own 5 year old - or a friend who wants to ride many miles!

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